Spring Romp

Okay guys, this post is going to give you a delightful dose of SPRING! I LOVE SPRING! Ahem. Take a deep breath and smell the fresh spring air…

First off we have a humble dandelion. But have you ever noticed how beautiful they really are? The dandelion has such a sunny, fluffy bloom, and look at those exquisite little curlicues peppering the surface of the flower!

Next up we have some more pretty weeds – with BOKEH in the background! I love bokeh. ♥ I think this is corn speedwell.

I really like these pictures! They’re so… springy! 😀

-Allison(dew drops, hat, nature walk, bunnies, cottonpile) 049 (1280x960)-Allison(dew drops, hat, nature walk, bunnies, cottonpile) 050 (1280x960)

Now I’ll take a break from flowers. How about a landscape instead?

I love this next picture! (I love lots of things in this post, don’t I? XD Spring, bokeh, pictures…)

-Allison(dew drops, hat, nature walk, bunnies, cottonpile) 065 (1280x960)
The foreground is gorgeous lush triticale, and the background includes chicken houses, the litter shed, solar panels,  and my cousins’ house. 🙂

Some fresh new spring oat starts…

-Allison(dew drops, hat, nature walk, bunnies, cottonpile) 058 (1280x960)-Allison(dew drops, hat, nature walk, bunnies, cottonpile) 057 (1280x960)

There was some perfectly oozy mud that we just had to squish in, and after our walk, my friend and I went back. I made a little mud-bird from sticks, bark, and of course, mud. 🙂 Isn’t she cute? She is a bit dirty though. *Sigh* I’m afraid that’s her fate. XD Sometime I should go back and see if she’s still there.

This raccoon must have liked the mud too. Doesn’t his little handprint look like human handprint? It especially does in this picture because you can’t see how small it is.

-Allison(dew drops, hat, nature walk, bunnies, cottonpile) 075 (1280x960)

And to finish it off, here are some Lily the rabbit pictures. SQUEEE! She’s so fat and plush! … Perhaps a bit too fat and plush. XD But I love you anyway, dearest Lily.

-Allison(dew drops, hat, nature walk, bunnies, cottonpile) 076 (1280x960) (1280x960)
She looks half grumpy, half startled, and all CUTE in this picture!

Okay, guys. You are going to die from a cuteness attack when you see this next picture. Lily and a calf are making friends! (Well, at least the calf is. Lily… maybe not so much. XD Look at the expression on her face!)

-Allison(dew drops, hat, nature walk, bunnies, cottonpile) 077 (1280x960)

I hope these pictures put an extra spring in your step. 🙂 Have a lovely day! ♥


45 thoughts on “Spring Romp

  1. The mud reminds me of the time we came over to your house and watched a stick (or was it a corn cob?) float all the way down the stream to your pond. We got SO muddy making paths for it so it wouldn’t get stuck. But boy, was it fun!


    I loved all of these pictures! Lily is ADORABLE and that last picture is so funny. 😛

    -Clara ❤


    1. Did you have to look up the word ‘hyperventilates’ to spell it!?! XD XD Heheh! 😛 🙂 I probably would have! XD Haha! 😛 🙂


    1. Thank you! Here’s a tip for bokeh: To get the best bokeh, the background should be water, or sun between the trees, or something with light, bright spots or highlights on it. (It works best on a sunny day, I think.) That’s what happened here: the flowers were in front of a creek, and my camera focused on the flowers and blurred the bright sun glinting off the background into bokeh! I’m not sure if this is technically the way you get bokeh, but it works for me! Thanks again!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Your photos are always so pretty and fun, Allison! I especially like the photos of the flowers.
    I agree, Spring is lovely. 🙂 Now if it could just be warm enough outside to warm up my room to more than 65 degrees…..
    ~Christian Homeschooler


    1. Thank you so much! Bokeh is spots of light in the background of a picture that come from sun glinting off of water, or through trees, etc. The spots of light in the background of my blue-flower pictures was bokeh!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh yes, I totally FORGOT THAT THEY WERE EVEN WEEDS when I saw those pictures! I never realized how amazing a dandelion looks!!! 🙂 Wow. 😮 😐 🙂 🙂


  4. I would like to leave a comment, but I can’t when I’m dead, since I ‘died from cuteness’! XD XD Ok, I’ll leave one anyway! 😉 XD 😀 😛 😛
    I loved all of those pictures! THAT LAST ONE WAS ADORABLE!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 Hehehe! 😛 🙂
    Bokeh sounds like it might pronounced like someone that’s coughing something up…that sounded really gross, didn’t it…? XD Whoops, sorry. BoKEH! XD XD 😛 🙂 Those WERE SO COOL THOUGH!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂


  5. Haha, I love the pictures of Lily xD. The last one is amazing, thats the same face our bunnies make when Bixby’s trying to play with them!! The flower pictures are AMAZING!!!! The Bokeh is stunning!!!!! I LOVE BOKEH!!!


    1. Thanks so much for nominating me, Anika! But… I don’t really do tags. 😦 I don’t necessarily dislike them, I just don’t usually do that kind of thing on my blog. But thank you!
      ♥ Allison


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