Photos from of Old: Entry 3

About time for another one of these, eh? These photos were taken in the summer of 2013.

First some snail pictures… (I remember I was pretty proud of these when I took them. XD And I still like them!)

2013-07-04 Allison 218 (1280x960)2013-07-04 Allison 214 (1280x960)

Now some flowers…

2013-06-09-Allison 007 (1280x960)
2013-07-04 Allison 027 (1280x960)
Tiger Lily

I took this picture one night when after a family walk. Isn’t it adorable? (All of these next few pictures are edits of the original.)

edited carmen in the middle 1.jpg
My dad, my littlest sister Carmen, and my mom. 😀
carmen in the middle (1280x960)
It looks cute in B&W too. 🙂
edited carmen in the middle 2
Carmen is a rainbow!

I requested my siblings to pose for this one; I think I meant it to look similar to the last photo. They look so cute and tiny (well, younger at least XD) in this photo!

2013-07-04 Allison 107 (1280x960)
Megan, Carmen, and Jeff. Just look at Carmen’s little curly head!

An edited clouds-over-field photo…

2013-07-04 Allison 079 (1280x419)

And lastly, two miscellaneous nature photos: a mushroom and bedewed leaf.


2013-07-04 Allison 174 (1280x960)2013-07-04 Allison 189 (1280x960)

Thanks for time-traveling with me!


P. S. Recently my littlest sister Carmen has been determined to learn how to fly. XD XD XD She asks Mom if it’s possible for people to fly, and Mom explains that God just didn’t make humans to able to fly. But she thinks that maybe she’ll be the first person ever to do it! XD XD XD It cracks me up! But it’s adorable too. 😀 Hey, we all wish we could fly, right? One can always dream…

P. P. S. I have 111 followers! Besides the fact that that’s amazing, and “Thank you so much guys,” (but seriously – THANK YOU!), isn’t 111 such a fun number?! XD

27 thoughts on “Photos from of Old: Entry 3

  1. Aww, Carmen is adorable! It’s so funny that she’s trying to fly. XD
    I loved all the photos! The snail is so cool. 🙂

    -Clara ❤
    P.S: Congrats on 111 followers! That is a very cool number. 😛


  2. Aw, I love all the pictures!! Carmen sounds ADORIBLE, I hope I get to meet her one day :D. The picture of your siblings is so cute!! I’m totally with Carmen on the flying thing… I wish I could fly!! Oh, and congrats on 111 followers!!!


  3. Congrats on 111 followers! That’s awesome! Wow, your photography was great then, and it’s amazing now! 🙂


    1. Well, I think Carmen meant fly by flapping her arms. XD I bet if you flew on a hang glider, though, it would feel pretty much like you were flying! (And it would also probably be slightly terrifying – at least to me. XD


  4. Those are so neat! Carmen IS cute! 😉 🙂 😛 Nice pics! 😉 Eeeee!!!! YAY for 111!!! That’s GREAT!! I have… 43..? I think! 😉 🙂 😛 That’s cute that Carmen wants to fly! As long as she doesn’t just take an umbrella and jump off the roof or something!! 😮 😉 😛 I DO like the number 111! it’s easy to type too! XD 🙂 Hehe! 😛 I think my favorite number is probably 17! XD I don’t know why! But for the longest time-I don’t think I do it anymore- when I would need to just come up with like a random number, I would say “17”! Without even thinking about it! XD XD 🙂 Or try to correct myself and say something other than ’17’ and say 171, or 117! XD or something! 🙂 I like that number though! 😉

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