WordCrafters: The Story Chain

Hey guys, I have some exciting news! I have created a sort of challenge thingy where bloggers can enter and write a story together, bit by bit. (Josie helped a lot with this challenge too. Thanks Josie!) The basic idea is this: One person starts a story, and other bloggers each add on to it until it is finished. Then we can read a whole story written by different people!

Here are the details. If you have read all of the rules and still feel confused, feel free to ask Josie or me your questions.


WordCrafters 3 (1280x1280)

You can sign up from today, January 2nd – January 14. Just drop Josie or me a comment saying that you want to sign up. Josie has created a character for me, and I’m going to start off the story using that character. Here is the character:

Name: Alalia Celinette

Age: 11

Gender: Female

Personality: Very shy, and loves to read.

What she thinks about: If magic were real

After I post the start of the story,  I will tag one of the people who signed up to continue it. You may optionally include an illustration or photograph of your own or from the web to go along with your part of the story. Try to finish your part within 3 days, and you don’t have to make it very long. More than a few sentences and less than a few pages would be good. Please make your story G-rated – no inappropriate language, violence, etc. (It is perfectly fine to have a character die, just don’t make it super gory.)

Both Josie and I will update a page on our blogs where you can read the story so far. After you finish your part of the story, just send Josie and me a link to your post, and we will add it to the WordCrafters page. On that page you will also see a numbered list of the people who signed up. I will make the list after the end of the signups by randomizing all of the people’s names and assigning them each a number, except Josie and I have already decided that I will start the story and Josie will end it. Tag the person after you on the list by dropping them a comment on their blog to let them know it’s their turn. (For instance, if you are the 3rd person on the list, tag the 4th person to continue the story after you.) I will post the first part of the story on January 15.

Oh, and one more thing: when you write your part of the story, you can put the WordCrafters button on your blog sidebar, if you like.

If you think one of your bloggy friends would like this challenge, please tell them, or reblog this post.

I can’t wait to see the finished story!


P. S. Now I have some sad news. Yoshi the rabbit and Coffee Bean the cat died just a couple of days ago. 😥 😥 Here is a picture of each of them for a “memorial.” *Sniff*


98 thoughts on “WordCrafters: The Story Chain

    1. Yep, we are going to pre-make the list, and the person who just finished writing their part will tag the next person on the list, just so the next person can know that the first person is already finished with their story. For example, I would write my part of the story, in, say 2 days. Then I would tag you by commenting on your blog, if I was the first person and you were #2 on the pre-made list. Was that confusing? Sorry! Ask again if you still don’t understand.


  1. Hi, Allison! I love this idea, and I would love to sign up! My only hesitation is the bit about the character on magic. I personally don’t write anything including magic, and none of my characters ever mess with magic or anything like that. It just goes against my belief that magic is evil, and I would rather not write about it. This is only my personal belief of course, and I just want you to know I might not be able to participate if the story includes something such as the main character using magic, etc. 🙂 I don’t mean to rude of course! Just want you to know, although I still LOVE this idea and I wish I could participate! Awesome idea! If I can’t participate, I’ll still be looking forward to the results of this. 😉 Thanks!


    1. Oh, I understand, Misty! I know what you mean – some stories about magic are just too much. And like in the Bible when there were bad magicians and all of that stuff… I understand. The kind of magic I was thinking of was just like the Alice in Wonderland kind. – Have you ever read that book? Just kind of the light, pretend magic, like when Alice goes into another world. I’m not sure what the other enterers will do, and it’s perfectly fine if you don’t want to enter. Thanks for your interest, though!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This sounds super cool! I’d like to sign up with Blue Eyes, Gray Eyes. 🙂

    I’m so sorry about Yoshi and Coffee Bean! Megan told me about Bean, but I didn’t know Yoshi had died, too . . . I’m really sorry. 😦


    1. Hooray! I’m so glad you’re signing up! I can’t wait to read your part. 🙂 Yeah, I know, it was sad. 😦 It was like, “Help! Suddenly all of our pets are dying!” But thankfully it was just two.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Ok! So do you mean no magic at all, like no Alice in Wonderland or Narnia kind of magic, or just no dark magic. Because I’m fine with the first kind, but not with the second.


      1. I just commented to Josie that maybe she could change what the character thinks about instead of magic, and then everything would work out fine. We’ll see what she says – I hope she doesn’t mind to change it! That way you could enter and people don’t have to be so confused about things.

        Liked by 1 person

              1. Just in case Josie doesn’t want to change the character, I just want to tell you that I think the kind of magic Josie and I were thinking of is the kind you used when you wrote the girl and the horse story for one of the CWWC challenges. (I think I read it on my sister’s reader. XD) You know where the carousel horse came alive? That’s the kind of magic I mean: stuff that doesn’t usually happen – stuff that only happens in books, not dark evil magic. I hope you understand what I mean, because I wouldn’t want to write about dark magic either. I really hope you can enter, if not this time, then another time!

                Liked by 2 people

    2. Um, Josie? The “magic” part of the character is causing a lot of confusion. Is it OK if you make up a new thing for her to think about? I think that would smooth a lot of things over.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Ok, so… I’m kinda with Misty on this. I just realized… I will be writing about the same character as the one you start with (the one in this post), won’t I? I’m really not too interested in this topic, and if I will have to write about magic I don’t think I’m interested. I’m sorry, and I hope you understand…


  4. Hey Allison! This is such an awesome idea, and I would love to participate! I just have one quick question, if you don’t mind me asking.
    How will we know who is next in line? Are you going to make a list of all the people entering after January 14?
    This sounds like a lot of fun, and I can’t wait for it to start! 😀
    Thanks Allison!
    ~ Suzy | <a href="https://craftzncraziness.wordpress.com/&quot;?Craftz'n'Craziness


    1. Sure! I am actually going to make a randomized list, after the fourteenth, like you said, and then you will know who to tag by who is the next number on the list after you. Like, if I was #1 on the list (since I’m starting), and you were #2 on the list, after I finished my chapter, I would tag you since 2 is the next number on the list. Is that confusing, or do you understand now? I’m glad you want to enter!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I’d like to sign up! Since I read all of the comments dealing with the kind of magic we should write about, I don’t think I need to be concerned. 😉 I’m so sorry about Yoshi and Coffee Bean! 😦 How did they die?



  6. This looks fun! I would love to do it.
    One question: so when we finish our part, we post it on our blog and then comment on your blog to let you know we posted it? Just clarifying. I was a little confused.
    (P.s. I’m new to your blog, but so far it looks amazing!)


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Great! Yep, when you finish your part, just post it on your blog and comment on Josie or my blog and provide a link to your post so that we can put it up on the WordCrafters page. Thanks so much, Nicole!


    1. Ummm… I’m not exactly sure what you mean, but I think as long as you don’t write about dark magic, and you keep your story G-rated, that should be fine!


  7. This was such an awesome idea, Allison! I was too late to enter this time, but I definitely will next time! 😀
    Oh! And I was reading all of you guys’ comments about making sure the magic you write about is clean, good, “classic fairytale” magic. It’s so encouraging to see that in today’s culture where wizards and witches and dark spells and all of that icky evil stuff is the norm. I’m a Christian so it meant a lot to me to see other girls take that stand. 🙂


    1. Well you’re too late for that WordCrafters, but I’m going to do it again sometime soon (maybe June-ish). So you’re welcome to join us then! I’ll make a post about it when we’re ready to do it. 🙂

      Yeah. 😦 Thanks. ♥

      Liked by 1 person

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